20 January 2008

100_1518.JPG Spanish Point, Co. Clare Ireland

100_1518.JPG Spanish Point, Co. Clare Ireland
Originally uploaded by Sam Vekemans

Hey all,
Here's the Top #200 on my Flickr Favourites.
Thanks all those Google earth views who saw my photos.
... Helps me find the best photos... eventually all 15,000 phots will get geo tagged :)
... Just kidding :)

A quick reminder, that we all have 1 life to live, and to take this a as a new day. ... No matter what the weather is outsite.. we all have a choice.. to be Happy :) or :( ... we can be fristerated :{ or we can be relaxed. ... It doesnt make sence to be stressing about the silly things... as its all just silly stuff.

A note: I got my haircut today :) .... (by blog, I write what i want) .. and the person cutting my hear was talking about themselves thinging that one day that they'll get to traveling. ... One day... one day... Oh it's so much money. ... Well if you sell everything you own, and do this wwoofing thing, and be giving of yourself more than taking.... You can go whereever you want ... There's no limites (accept those peskey Borders and time limits)... .. Hopefully more people will be out traveling and working in other countries, so countries will see that it makes no sence to have borders. .. and limit people to live where they were born or married into. ....

I think everyone needs to visit ireland, at least once in there life. ... Going through the photos, makes me relive the experience, and just heats up the fire in me to keep on going and go after what i want. .. As really, the one who who is stopping me ... is me.
... The only one stopping you ... is you :)

I want to see the sun set in every ocean, i plan on it.. and schedualed.. and it will be done :)... along with many other things.

Hope everyone is doing awsome.
Thanks for taking a moment and reading.


17 January 2008

100_3381 Flickr people choosing photos for me.

Originally uploaded by Sam Vekemans

Whats so cool is that this photo set seems to be the most popular of all my photos. .. How?
I put the photo set onto the map.. so then when people zoom down on google earth they can see my photos from the area. .. So I just need to geo-tag more photos.
Cool :)

.. Now i know that when im doing the GPS Map, i can show the photos of the locations as they happen. ... or ateast as soon as i can get online. ... Cool.

Im looking for those who want to help out in the project. .. Alot of work for this can actually be done remotly :)

Let me know if your interested to help out.

15 January 2008

Tighter Fuel Efficiency Standards: Why isnt that on the agenda?

I heard that ya there are some fuel efficiency standards. .. What i dont get is why that isnt being discussed further?

As if governemnt regulation set the min engin efficiency standards for all vehicles on the public roads to be set higher. .. Doesnt that naturally work towards building more efficient vehicles.


... i'll write more on this later :)

13 January 2008

About a Bear - Notes of the day\Day 256 Mississauga, Ontario 13 Jan 08

About a Bear - Notes of the day\Day 256 Mississauga, Ontario 13 Jan 08

Facebook iLike

What you can tell about people from the music they listen too?

Basically, you can check my profile, and find out more about me than i would be able to tell you in person in 1 sitting.
Amazing how powerful an application like iLike, can be customized to be showing all the bands and songs that you like, and show where they are touring. .. and show what other friends you have who already like the same music. .. .. How for almost every song there is the music video atached. .. So if your on a wi-fi connection, you dont even need iTunes, as it's all listed. Cool.

Mississauga Craigslist
So cool, that finally Mississauga gets her very own craigslist. .. Seeing as how mississauga is Canada's 7th largest city. .. and not part the GTA with it's own things. .. ... Doesnt make sence to me, as its unnessery duplication of systems. .. when a larger more better system can be make when people just realize that most things have already been invented. .. and it's OK to learn from other ountries who have already spent the time and effort in developing new technologies. .. and new ideas.
Mississauga Transit: Umm, ya i've now taken a few different transit systems. .. and they work far better and more efficiently, and have been for years. ... Antwerpe Belgium has the cool lights indicating how far the street car is. ... The same can be done for busses. Why not just have a hudge national network? .... Size doesnt matter when your dealing with a system. ... Simply there will be different hubs for the busses. ... Why do they even need to be driven back to the bus center empty? ...
Mississauga Library: Why not just have a canada wide library card, and just use the best library system, and copy it to every library across the country. ... BC has done that with the BC One Card. .. so books and things cerculate all across the board. ... Books dont need to have a base home, and be shiped back.. that doesnt make sence. ... Only sent back as needed, in bulk all at once. BC figured that out, why not the rest of canada?
... and dont give me the loosing jobs excuse. .. as Advances in Technology doesnt iliminate jobs, it simply displaces jobs. ... that is alot different than loosing jobs. ... As skills for record making, got changed to skills to CD copying and boxing CD's. ... and those are now making blog sites about different music.
What we can learn from Ireland
Actually it's more what i learned, and can pass on. You can go head and wiki whatever I say, as it's always my opinion. :)
I learned the value of where your from.
It's seems as though in Ireland 'Where you from?' is more important than what you look like or how you talk.... It's the first impression of someone. As judgement is made based on where your from. As if your from Canada, and they ask if im from America... I correct them and they apologise, as a Canadian is Different. ... and even on the micro level. .. From around ireland. If your from Cork you have a different accent, and also drink a different beer. ..Smithwicks, vs. Guiness. .. as Guniess isnt made in Cork. .. So right away a differnc is made. If your from Derry or Belfast. Wow, that makes a difference. ..
However, that being said. Actually someone pointed out to me that the Handshake is probably more important.. How you carry yourself when you walk in the Pub. .. Do you have a limp handshake? ... So even if your from America, and you have a firm handshake, imediatly your not looked down upon, as you show some status. ... But not really that. It's Assertiveness. If your able to stand your ground, and also joke at the same level, then you become more respected. ..
As I learned the Irish are far more direct with their humor... Which is different than the Canadian Humor. .. The irish is more witty, and not funny where you laught outloud crying on the floor. Actually no, thats just Cork people talking. . As their humor is imcredable.. there is not pause, for laughing at your own joke, like here in Canada.. We commonly do that. We stop and wait for a responce in laughter, rather than just keep going and talking.
Perhaps it because the Irish are more direct, with what they say... as the meaning is more important than what they say. .. Or the hidden meaning is probably more important than what is actually being said. ... I found that people do become offended, however not talking about it... and just hanging up. .. or talking streight forward, were your backed into a corner, and need to really think on your feet for a responce. .. As that could get you kicked out of a pub VERY easily... Keep in mind, then when your a visitor from another town/county/country. . Forign land.. that your going into others home, there sanction away from work and their house. .. So your right away stepping into someone elses territory. So you need to respect that.
What i found was that it's more polite for people to not talk directly about those negative things.. but to talings... and good times rather than dwell on the hard times.

Although it's easy to be dwelling on the past, and all the things that went wrong. ...
But what we need to see is that each day is a present. That talking about how bad things were doesnt actually help. ... 'A Hard life' But what does that mean? .. Ive had a hard life, and you have too... Actually, everyone has had a hard life.
Here's my cool photo i'll post to my Ireland Ride For Climate CrazyGuyOnABike.com journal... as it was my last night in Ireland.

So Lana got to have a Pint of Beer at the Pub by the Bar.
My objective was to get my bike from the Bike Shop to my friends place so then i can take the late late bus to dublin. .. So i needed some help in that. At 1st i thought i was going to go directly to the house, then my friend would get the van and bring it back, however, a decision was to bring the bike box into the pub, as a pint was in order.
It worked out as i wanted to see some traditional irish music playing.. as its the last night.
The bike wasnt totally welcome, but an interesting conversation piece. ..As long as i stood near it, it was fine. ..
I did tell people that im planning on biking 10,000kms across canada with it. .. Some found that hard to believe, as for 10,000 km you can cycling around ireland a few times. .. The sheer vastness of Canada is almost uncomprehgendable what it can be cycled.
What i have learned was that yes, i do get nailed with questions every time i stop... However, i learned that i dont need to answer more than what was asked, as most people are just curious, but dont need to get the whole boook version. .. That's for later when they see the book on the shelf at the local book store. .. then they can read about how i came into that bar, totally unexpectedly... The bike wasnt planning on having a pint before she leaves.
So now the bike has officially tasted the Salt of the Pacifac, and the Pint at an Irish pub. I caught the irish flag on the bike in the box. .. Cool.
I told people about CrazyGuyOnABike.com - that is what people can remeber... because it's a website for crazy guys like me who bike around the world.. or on long trips.
Sure, i could have rented a bike for ireland.. however, having a bike that now has some character. .. As now the bike has parts from Belfast, and Limerick, and Galway. So some more stickers for the bike. .
The next stop for the bike is to stay here in the Sauga, in the box for the next 3 months.. As more work needs to be done on the map, which doesnt actually need to be biking the area to loosely cover it. ..
The fine detailed points will be edited later for the map.
Also, it's rather cold in Canada to be cycling. .. rather touring cycling. .. Regular cycing is fine. .. So i'll probably find a rental bike or a cheep bike to use in the mean time.
... Back to a point:
Whats more important is that i keep a promise that i made to somone in Connamera. That the 2nd last night in Connamera, i went to the 3rd pub in town. .. and was baught a pint but didnt have the cash on hand to buy a pint in return. .. So what i said that i'll do is when im in BC that it's important to buy someone random a pint... and tell them that this pint is not for them, but for a fine Connamera local, as he couldnt be there in person, someone has to drink this pint. ... Schlante.
What i have learned is that really the fact about 'where your from' is actually more of a compliment, as it is up to each individual to be proud of where they are from. ... It's doesnt really matter what passport you carry, as that could be from any country. .. But where your from is where your heart is, where you call home. .. so sometimes where you call home is were you feel most comfortable. If you have family all spread out, then you call home where ever it is you lie your head on each night. As the world is way to big to go unexplored. .. There is so much to see that the thought of settling down, is rather limiting. ... letting so much to discover get kept undiscovered. .. One answer is from earth. .
An interesting comment i had, which was if having so many imegrants onto a country is actually a good thing. I said; Well, Canada is made up of immegrants, accept for the naives who where here first, and unfortunatly where taken over by the europeans who started claiming and steaking out land. ... So what happened from ireland is that there were tonnes of immegrants who left the country in seach of a better life, somwhere where they can do what they like, and farm how they like. .. So there wasnt the influx of immegrants, as there are now for ireland.
Is this a bad thing? Well, my responce is no.. It doesnt make sence to discriminate against people, based on where there from. ..
... Now lets look at this sentence. .. Europeans come to Canada and take over the land without respecting that people are already here with established practices. ... However, isn't more people to an area a good thing? ... As long as they respect the land and the native ideas of the land. ... ie. dont build until you have permission from the area todo so. .. .. So who decides on who gives permission? .. hummm

02 January 2008

About a Bear - Notes of the day\Day 245 Lettertrack Ireland 02 Jan 08

C:\Users\Sam Vekemans\Documents\About a Bear - Notes of the day\Day 245 Lettertrack Ireland 02 Jan 08

About a Bear - Notes of the day\Day 245 Lettertrack Ireland 02 Jan 08

.. Back to writing my book.
When i went up for a walk today, i just went to the Rock up the hill as it was too windy today to do the upper diamond hill.


Having a busy day of facebooking, creating a new facebook group for the Old Monestery Hostel. .. So thats neet. Look forward to seeing some familar faces there.

Today i realized that I have been here for 40 days and 40 nights. Nice.

I'm really glad that I found this place, and that I have gotten so much work done while im here.

On friday, I need to leave here, as I am a traveler, and must move on. I have my ind set on making the AcrossCanadaTrails GPS Map, and making it a great resource for those to travel.

(Which reminds me, I must update the GPS Map file with the latest update on what the trails look like, as now it's much better. .. So people can download the file and try and navigate some of the route segments with it. ... I is would be a great test to see just how accurate it is.

Note: This journal is written live, and posted as is. ... I also have my personal journal, however the contents in it are time sensensitive, so it's best no to share untill later on, perhaps a few months down the road. As it contains personal thoughts and feelings, which if responded to here, doesnt help much.


Subnote: This journal is also written as how my mind works. .. Its rather scatter brained, as i have many windows right now open, along with many projects going on at once. ... Sometimes when i get an idea, then i write about it as it happens... As I seem to have an abstract mind. ... and for those of you who have read my journals before ... you already know that.


So when I was up on the hill, it was rather windy. ... But was actually wonderful. ... Wonderful to see the ocean out on the horizion past the bay and mountin (hill) :) .. I can look out there, and know that Newfoundland & Labrador is way out there in a streight line. I see how powerful with wind is blowing over the bog lands and rocks. .. and i see the little houses dotting the landscape close to the coast.

I think about how the past is imbedded into the fabric of the land. .... actually i'll wright about that in my other journal, and add it later.


Looking at the present, it's a gift. You wake up each morning and can decide what you want todo with your life. Each day is special and memporable. The people who you see today, you might never see again. .. The world is so big. People come from all over the world, and are traveling. .. They bring with them their own set of experiences and ambitions for the future. So each time you interact with someone today, you can realize that they have just as an exciting past. .. So no matter where they are from in the world, you can find exciting people. ...

So you need to cherish that time you have with that interaction.

... Does it make sence to have a negative interaction? ... For me, when i have a negative interaction with someone, i feel that my che is off. That it's out of balance. That i kindof feel guilty that someone what put off for what was said... Eithor myself, or the other person. As like i said above, that you never know when you will see or hear from that person again.

This past month and a half ive been talking to tonnes of people. .. I did put people on facebook. Actually, knowone whome i have met, do i express interest in that. As here, it's a Hostel, where you meet many many people all the times your traveling around. And you can learn from so many different people about their views on subjects varing by the number of people.

So were able to discusses topics, .. but actually mostly its around cultural differences, and places. .. As everyone is from somewhere else, and has their own ideas.

So for the one i met who was from Winnipeg, I thank them. .. I dont know if i'll ever meet you again. I am terrable with names. .. .Hey, perhaps with this facebook group, people can connect?

I dont know, will see. ..

Well see, I always didnt like that saying, as it's not specific, to any time frame. I like dates times and places, and specifics to look at. ... Vague ideas for me doesnt make sence. .

Even my plan for the future. ... (Actually, I still need to write that down) is very specifac..

Here's a quick low down of thelatest.

January, hopefully i'll have a work for stay with the hostel in Nanaimo, BC and be going across canada, by vehicle. .. Or I could fly. .. not sure yet. .. options are open.

I want to work with the tourism board, as I see myself as being very knowledgable about the trails and places to see and stay in the area, and along th way, all across canada. .. And know how to find out, as im excited to keep on learning new places of interest that the tourists themselves tell me about.

Because im making this cross canada trails map, i'm incuding my database of all the places on interest. .. The main things.

Perhaps what i'll have is my file looking at it on google earth, as it's available.

So what would be great is after Nanaimo, while working there, and perhaps the tourist office there.

Photos from the Trans Canada Trail Pool, with geodata

VirtualBikeRide - CrazyGuyOnABike.com

Geocaching in Canada

Search Bicycle Trails - Trans Canada Trail

Yahoo! Answers: Search for Bike Across Canada

Gristmill - The Environmental News Blog